West Virginia Family Physician PAC (WVFP-PAC)
What is the WVFP-PAC?
The West Virginia Family Physician PAC (WVFP-PAC) was established in 2018 to elect candidates to state office who will share the WVAFP’s vision: “West Virginians that have a personal Family Physician will get better care at lower cost.” The WVFP-PAC solicits voluntary contributions from family physicians and others who support West Virginia’s family physicians to research, select, and support the election of candidates who will legislatively advocate for the medical profession. The WVFP-PAC’s goal is to raise a minimum of $10,000 annually for the next five years.
Does the WVFP-Pac support Democrats and Republicans?
The WVFP-PAC is bi-partisan and therefore supports candidates of all parties that are pro-medicine. It works closely with the West Virginia Medical Association and other medical societies throughout WV to identify pro-medicine candidates as they seek elected office.
Who can donate to the WVFP-PAC?
Donations are accepted from anyone who support our vision to improve access to family physicians for all West Virginians. Regardless of their specialty or membership status within the WVAFP, all physicians and their spouses, medical students, residents, and physician assistants can donate. Group practices and other organizations that support family physicians are also eligible to join.
Who serves on the WVFP-PAC Board?
The WVFP-PAC Board is comprised of WVAFP physician leaders from around the state. Stephen Sebert, MD serves as the WVFP-PAC Treasurer.
How do you donate?
Make your checks out to: WVFP-PAC and mail them to the attention of our EVP Gerry Stover at P.O. Box 1090 Hurricane, WV 25526